Read my book

You can now buy my book at Amazon, it cost $9.99 which you cant afford to be without. NOTE! This link is for Americans, if you live in Germany, Denmark, France, Spain, Sweden, Australia, China or any other contry, please check your local Amazon, you can find this book at Amazon in every country.

Read what my friend and college Boris Sheiko says about the book.

“I think everyone will be able to find something useful in this book. The author explains how, in addition to using a good training technique, it is necessary to allow the muscles to fully recover before the next training session. Overtraining is a common mistake of many. And the author of the book writes about it. I do not want to describe the contents of the book in more detail. It is only necessary to clarify that the benefits of the material presented in this book are practically guaranteed.

Stefan wrote the book with the factors that impact strength development. The book is definitely written for strength enthusiasts and should be read by everyone. As a real expert, Stefan competently approaches the solution of the challenges in the book. He has worked for American Elitefts for over five years and has written more than 40 articles as a columnist.”

Professor Boris Sheiko

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