Why You Should Perform Pause Squats Above the Knees
Are you one of the guys that have been thought to pause squat deep down in the hole? The reason is to be strong as hell, press your legs down, and explode through the movement up to the top for three white flags in the competition. Your legs are in the biomechanically most challenging position when you’re at the deepest point in your squat. If you fail when you’re closest to the floor, you didn’t choose your increase of weights wisely. Most people fail on their way up, not at the bottom. In this article, I’ll share one of the biggest Russian secrets for a bigger squat—pause squats above the knees!
What Boris Sheiko Told Me About Squats
I was that guy I described in the beginning of the article. I thought that pauses deep down in the hole was the best way to increase my squat. Then I met Boris Sheiko. He told me that he often lets his athletes perform a pause right after they break parallel. This was big news to me at the time. He asked, “Where do most athletes fail in their squat?” Well, to be honest, most athletes fail after they break parallel on their way up. How can it be like that? If the most challenging biomechanical point is when your legs are stretched the most, why wouldn’t that point be the hardest to break free from?
Read the full article: https://www.elitefts.com/education/why-you-should-perform-pause-squats-above-the-knees/