What is GPP and Who’s It For?
General Physical Preparedness (GPP) aims to build a stronger foundation in the body, mainly to improve recovery. Imagine that you start working in the woods as a timber man, performing hard physical work. If you start working eight to ten hours immediately, you will be completely exhausted after the end of the first working day. What if, instead, you start with a two-hour day and gradually get your body used to the load, then add a couple of hours each week?
After a while, you can work 10 hours a day and still have energy left over when the working day is over. The body has adapted and is used to a higher workload. In the same way, the body will get used to the load of GPP and thus recover better. These sessions should be about 60 percent of your capacity and last for 30-45 minutes. So, how do you know when you’re at 60 percent? I used to explain to my clients that when you are at the point that you still can breathe without gasping, you’re at your 60 percent. When you start gasping, you just went higher than 60 percent of your capacity.
Read the full article: https://www.elitefts.com/education/what-is-gpp-and-whos-it-for/